Contact Form

For immediate answers to popular questions please follow the links below:
When will I get my report?
How is the test performed?
Why should I test my pet?

If your question isn’t answered above, please email us at Please include the name the test was ordered under, Customer ID # (if known), Dog's Name and your comments/questions.


  • Your dog’s unique intolerances and sensitivities for around 100 factors.
  • The common household and environmental factors affecting your pet’s wellbeing.
  • Which foods you should avoid — and which may be safe — in your pet’s diet.
  • Food and environmental allergens to keep an eye on.
  • Plus, much, much more!


  • A custom analysis of around 100 food and environmental items that your pet may have sensitivities to.
  • A list of foods and household products you should avoid including laundry and cleaning products, tobacco and other household items.
  • PLUS so much more!
DAllergy Test My Pet